We are in a great time of letting go right now. Starting new things…. again. This has been happening over and over for the past few years. I don’t even know how many blog posts and energy alerts I have put out over the past 10 years that say the same thing. It is sometimes like peeling an onion, you get one layer, and then there is another one later, and another.

I went for my meditation this morning, and thought I would share what happened for me, I found it rather fascinating as it was a vision of something that I had no awareness of before. You can do this in your own meditations also.

I lay down in bed, with a fan on because we are in the middle of a heat wave at the moment. As I was scanning my energy field, I felt a hook in my lower back. It seemed very obvious to me, and I knew that whatever it was, it was ready to be cleared. I then continued with a meditation on clearing any energy cords or negative energies that may be around or attached to me. It was time to clear that hook. At the time, I had no idea if it was a new one or old one, just that it was obviously time.

We sometimes have energy cords, or energies in our Aura that are from past lives, or things that happened many years ago. Things never come up in visioning or questing or clearing until they are ready to go. You may do a clearing and manage to get rid of quite a few things, and then just like peeling an onion, months, or sometimes many years later, something else comes up to be cleared and let go of. We never energetically address or clear something until we are ready.

So, today I did a clearing, cutting cord meditation, and then turned on a Theta Healing meditation with music and proceeded to listen and journey.
It was during this meditation that I had a very clear vision. Just like seeing a movie in my head. Watching this ‘movie’ made it pretty clear to me just what and when that energy hook had taken root.

It took place in a dry climate, almost desert like. I was seeing a close up of a wall of stone, a brown/gold mountain. There was a road that wound around and beside this mountain. Sitting on the road, and leaning on the wall, was a woman. She was fairly small and wore white robes and had most of her head and face covered.

There was a man, I could only see him from the back. He was also wearing robes, his were golden brown, much like the colour of the wall. He was towering over the woman, it didn’t look like she was even as tall as his thighs (while sitting). She looked so small and helpless.

I recognized the woman as being myself in a past life. She/I was a quiet person. Someone who ‘knew’ things. In this lifetime she/I was feared as a ‘crazy person’. People avoided “us”. Walking down this particular road, people would give a wide berth to the evil woman that spoke of forbidden things. There were people who spoke to her, but very few.

Back to my ‘movie’. The man that was towering over the woman (me), pulled out a sword and proceeded to shove it right though the centre of her chest, right where the heart chakra would be. The sword moved downwards and came out right at her lower back, the precise point where I had earlier felt the energy hook.

It is not always necessary to have all the details of “why” when clearing energies, cords and hooks, but I just thought that this was kind of neat and thought I would share it with you.

Just as I know that we are in a time of letting go and clearing even more, I know that this vision was a part of this for me. This is not my first lifetime as a psychic, or healer, or ‘witch’. There have been many, and in more than one I was killed for what I knew and shared. I am hoping that with the seeing of this vision, and clearing of the energy of this particular past life, I will have freer energy to share even more with you, without the past-life energy of fear of being killed.

Have you had any visions of past lives? I would love to hear about them in the comments section.

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