Angel Card Reading for the Week – May 25-31, 2015

Here is your free Angel Card Reading for this week, May 25-31, 2015 For the Beginning of the Week, Your Angel Card is:     Gentleness – Archangel Sandalphon:  “Be very gentle with yourself at this time.  Surround yourself with gentle people,...

Abraham Hicks talking about Your Manifestations

This is a really good audio about manifesting I wanted to share with you.  Its titled “Why am I Bothered by People” ~ but its not really about that. It explains how to redirect your thoughts, why sometimes affirmations don’t work, and how sometimes...

You will always have challenges

Life can be challenging at times.  Sometimes your challenges come from something that is outside of yourself and sometimes it comes from within. The thing is, you will always have them.  If you don’t you will suffer boredom and maybe even depression.  You need...

Abraham’s View on What Happens Before Birth

This is a pretty good video (audio) from Abraham, channeled by Esther Hicks.  I thought I would share it with you.  I found it to be quite interesting and similar to the channeled information I have received over the years.    ...