I just wanted to write a bit of a blog post about why you might not end up with the clearest of messages from Spirit when you receive a reading.  (When I do “medium” readings and no one comes through I do stop the reading and suggest we try another time ~ I don’t try to make something happen that clearly isn’t ready to happen).

I used to think that when people crossed over they had a bit of a ‘deprogramming’ time and that they couldn’t really connect for a while after their passing.

Over the years with messages I have received I now know more about how it works and I would like to share that with you.  It’s a common misconception that Spirit cannot communicate if they just crossed over.  I’ve talked to many people that have only been dead a few days (or hours).


Here’s the most common reason a mediumship session might not work so well

Sometimes if you are experiencing a lot of grief, spirit is less likely to come through clearly.  I have not yet figured out why that is exactly for sure, but I do have a good understanding of something else.

As we are having our human experiences, when we have a loss there is a grieving process to go through.  We need to go through this process in all its stages in order to be able to heal properly.

Our loved ones never want to tell us what to do or live our lives for us.  That is not their job.

If you have not fully completed aspects of your grieving process, or if connecting with a loved one who has passed would interfere with your own personal process they will not come through.

I will give you an example from one of my client readings (in around 2005), that really hit home to me the impact excessive grief can have on a mediumship reading.

I had a mom and an aunt come by for a reading.  They had lost a 14 year old boy in the last year.  The mom was very upset and grief stricken.  All three of us were sitting at my kitchen table.

I first talked to the mom and I was getting very little from her son.  The energy simply was not flowing.  I got a couple of really little bits of information, but it was quite difficult to do.

The mom was crying and put her head down in her hands.  Then the aunt started to address me.  Me and the aunt were talking and her nephew came through loud and clear and he was telling her all kinds of things and showing me pictures of things and everything.  It was a ‘normal’ exchange that I am used to in a mediumship reading.

After a few minutes when I was talking with the mom again, the same thing happened, almost nothing was flowing in for me.  I got almost no information of any use that could help her.

I cannot explain this, I have no other explanation except that the grief and desperation somehow blocked the flow of energy.

It happens sometimes.  There’s not a lot I can do about it.  I always try my best, but I know that the readings are not about me.  They are about you and your loved one.  I stay out of it.

As a human being who has also lost people I do sometimes feel badly when I cannot connect for someone who desperately wants it, but like I just said, its not about me.

I would also like you to know that if your loved one is not able to come through to you for any reason at all, its not about being your fault either.  Everything happens for a reason and everything happens in Gods time (not ours).  So if you ever go see a medium and they cannot connect, don’t blame yourself, don’t blame the medium and don’t blame your loved one.  You and your loved one will connect with each other in the way that is right in the time that is right for you.  Everything that happens with a mediumship reading with me is for your “highest and best good”, that is the intention I set.

What your highest and best good looks like isn’t my decision.


If you are looking for a mediumship reading, or if you need someone to help you look at your life from a fresh perspective and help you navigate changes in your life, to see if the changes you are considering are supported by Spirit, a psychic reading can help. You can contact me here.

If you want to hear what others have said about their readings you can check that out on my Psychic Reading Testimonial/Review page.


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