Do you set goals?  Do you ever reach them?  How often do you “REWARD” yourself?

If you don’t set goals, why not?  Are you afraid you won’t reach them anyway so why bother?  If that’s the case you probably have a hard time getting what you want out of life.  If you cannot imagine having it, it is very hard to manifest it for yourself.

If you set goals and never seem to reach them have you ever wondered why?  You start out all gung-ho and things seem to be going okay, but the end result seems to constantly elude you.  Here are some things to think about.

Are you Motivated?

When you decide you want something, you absolutely must be motivated to get what you want.  If you are doing it for someone else, or because you think its something you should do, you will find any motivation you had at the beginning waning pretty quickly.

momentum of goals

Are you rewarding yourself too much?

This is the most common thing I see in my clients that are not getting what they want out of life.  Yes, we need a reward or a rest once in a while, absolutely.  But the way some of you think about reward seems to be a bit skewed.

If you aren’t reaching your goals, ask yourself “Am I rewarding myself or am I sabotaging myself?”

A reward come at the end of a job well done.  See that word in there ~ the END of a job well done.  Not 15 times in the middle of a job (goal), at the end.  If you put in an effort for a short time, and then say “phew, that was hard, but I feel good, I think I’ll take a reward” you will never reach your goals.

The reason you won’t reach your goals is because with your self sabotage you will be constantly setting yourself back, the results you see will be mediocre at best, and you will not have the staying power to get to the end of your goal.

This pretty much applies to any subject, doesn’t really matter what it is.

You are working at paying off your credit card bills and loans and you are doing really well, you are beginning to see some results.  Its only been a couple or few months but…

You “reward” yourself by buying something ~ on your credit card.

My son is working really hard to get an online class completed so he can go to see a friend in Ontario for a couple weeks this summer.  He is working really hard at it and says he really wants to go but the class has to be completed first. 

His tendency is to ‘reward’ himself by taking two days off in a row to do nothing and he loses momentum on the class.  It actually slows him down because he has to reread a bunch of stuff.  If he took shorter breaks he’d get a lot more done. (I’m sharing tips with him but letting him learn by experience on how he wants to do this, it will serve him well into the future).

You decide you want to lose weight.  You are doing really well.  You lose 7 pounds.

You eat a whole pizza in one night and weigh 5 pounds more in the morning and lose motivation.

In all these scenarios’ you are just shooting yourself in the foot.  You are probably someone that says “this is taking too long”, or “I need to see some reward or its not worth even trying”, or something like that, you probably have a hard time losing weight, paying bills or getting goals set and reached.

You need to change your mindset.  Rewards are good.  Too much of a sense of entitlement, or too many rewards are just self sabotage.  You don’t need to reward yourself constantly, you are not two.  Instant gratification won’t get you what you want.  Having the staying power to set a goal, work towards it ~ unfaltering, is what is going to get you there.

If you must have a reward, take one, but take something other than something that is going to sabotage you.

If you are trying to pay down bills, don’t give yourself a financial reward on credit ~ give yourself a day off to do nothing, or hang out with friends or go to the beach instead.

If you are trying to lose weight don’t eat a whole pizza once a week ~ have one slice every 3 weeks.

If you are trying to complete a project, stop giving yourself excuses not to work on it.  We all have excuses.  Instead of excuses, maybe just get up and take a walk around the block, or play a game or go for a swim, wash dishes, mow the lawn, shovel snow, or something to decompress, then get back to it.

It really is up to you if you reach your goals or not.  Watch your self talk and ask yourself if the big reward of reaching your goals is more important than all the little unimportant things along the way.




If you need someone to help you look at your life from a fresh perspective and help you navigate changes in your life, to see if the changes you are considering are supported by Spirit, a psychic reading can help. You can contact me here.

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