We are living in such amazing times.  The veils are thinning and many of you are beginning to see things.  Maybe you keep thinking you are seeing something out of the corner of your eye, or you see shimmering things, or shadows, or any other number of things that you can’t explain.  You think maybe you are just imagining it, but really you are seeing glimpses of other dimensions.

I had the coolest “dream” the other night.  I put dream in quotes because it wasn’t really a dream.  I know the difference between a dream and astral travel or being in different dimensions.  When we are “travelling” it is different.  It is much more vivid, we often have physical experiences ~ like we can feel it if we are hugged.  These are not dreams, these are visits.

The other night I met two of my friends that are not in their body.  It was so much fun!  I was so happy to see them!

I have to tell you, I can honestly say that “I have never seen these guys before in my life!”  However, I obviously knew them in another life, another dimension, and they knew me.  I don’t even remember their names!  But I do remember some of the details of the ‘dream’ and it was a wonderful visit.

The reason I titled this “Have you recently met one of your guides?” is because I know a lot of you have guides coming to you in this way to introduce themselves to you right now.  The energies are really good for making it easier to flip dimensions and visit with others (which is why you are becoming more psychic than you ever have been before).

Some of these people that you have been meeting in your dreams are your guides, some are your loved ones, and some (like the ones that visited with me), are just friends that aren’t in this dimension with us.

You are not crazy.  You are not imagining things.  You are not making up the feelings that you had while in your dream state.  You are visiting with other dimensions.

Dead people want to talk to you

Why do these visits only happen when I’m sleeping?

Because that is the only time you can get your ego out of the way.  When you have experiences when you are awake you question them, you don’t believe them, you discount them as something else.  You are wrapped up in a 3D reality and can’t fathom that you could be in another dimension while awake.

You call your intuition a ‘coincidence’, you think that if a loved one from the other side pops into your mind it just happened.  You don’t really believe you are thinking of them because they are with you.

You are not ‘wrong’ for this, it is just the way it is with most people.  We are human after all.  We have been programmed to only believe in a 3D reality.  Most of you aren’t trained to listen to your intuition, you are trained to mistrust it and squash it.

Anyway, pay attention to your dreams.  There are so many different dimensions trying to hang out with us right now.  Its pretty exciting, enjoy your dreams and enjoy the company of others.




If you need someone to help you look at your life from a fresh perspective and help you navigate changes in your life, to see if the changes you are considering are supported by Spirit, a phone psychic reading can help. You can contact me here.

If you want to hear what others have said about their readings you can check that out on my Psychic Reading Testimonial/Review page.

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