Change is so hard, yet it is so easy.  We are so habituated to our patterns sometimes that any deviance from those patterns can make us feel uncomfortable.  That is the hard part, the discomfort of doing something differently.

The easy part is that once you change your mind the universe conspires to help you make those changes.  Once you have made your decision there is nothing that can stop you.  You get momentum behind you and things just begin to flow in the direction of your thoughts.

Once you have decided that something needs to change how do you keep your thoughts on what you want and what do you do next?  What steps can you take to keep your vibration high enough that things flow to you in an easier way?

Do this…

When you go to bed tonight and when you first lie down, think of things you are grateful for.

Gratitude works like magic.  Just like when we complain, we get more to complain about, when we practice gratitude we get more to be grateful for.

Thinking of the things we are grateful for raises or vibration and allows for more positive things (energy) in our lives.

If you are someone who has a hard time relaxing your brain because you are thinking of all the things on your to-do list for tomorrow then bring a pen and paper to bed and write down those things as they pop in for you.  Don’t worry about them, just write them down and let them go.  If they are important you can deal with them when the time comes ~ which is tomorrow. 

Mt. Cheam out my office window on a cool February morning.

Mt. Cheam out my office window on a cool February morning.

When you wake up tomorrow morning, decide to let yourself do one thing differently from what your normal routine is.

Get off autopilot.  You want changes to come, you are trying to allow them to flow, make one even small decision and stick to it.

  • Take a different road as you are driving to work.
  • Buy a different type of coffee, or the same type from a different place.
  • Go for a walk at lunchtime if you don’t normally do that.
  • Get in that exercise you have been putting off
  • drink more water
  • skip the donut

It doesn’t really matter what the change is or how big or small it is.  Just do anything differently.  You can do more than one thing differently if you want, but keep your changes manageable so that you barely notice them.

Set yourself an alarm to go off every 90 minutes and breathe

Every 90 minutes (or whenever you think about it), stop what you are doing for 2 minutes and practice breathing.  Breathe deeply, all the way into the bottom of your belly.  Relax your body, let your shoulders fall, feel your ribcage expanding.  Do this for five breaths every 90 minutes.  That’s it.

Just for today (or tomorrow) ~ try it, I promise you will notice a shift in your energy.  Try it for a week, or a month, and you just may change your whole life.

You need to become more aware of your habits and your ways of thinking.  Allowing yourself to be on auto pilot all the time is ruining your life.

Doing even these 3 simple steps will begin to make changes in your brain and the way it works.  Keep it up for 21 days and you will have formed some new habits and some of your old neuro-pathways will have been replaced.




If you need someone to help you look at your life from a fresh perspective and help you navigate changes in your life, to see if the changes you are considering are supported by Spirit, a psychic reading can help. You can contact me here.

If you want to hear what others have said about their readings you can check that out on my Psychic Reading Testimonial/Review page.

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