Here is your free Angel Card Reading for this week, November 7 – November 13, 2016


For the beginning of the week your Angel Card is:

free angel card reading

Archangel Raziel

Spiritual Understanding– Archangel Raziel:  “I am bringing you esoteric information and symbols, and helping you understand spiritual truths.”

“Your spiritual understanding is rising to another level, as you open up to new ways of looking at life.  Keep an open mind, and let go of limited thinking and illusions.  Pay attention to signs – information that comes to you three times or more.  Notice geometric shapes and symbols in your physical and psychic vision.  Know that your increased awareness may shift your relationships and career goals  I’ll guide you through these changes so your life mirrors your inner experiences.”


Your Angel Card for the Middle of this Week is:

free angel card reading

Archangel Raziel


Clairvoyance, Archangel Raziel:  “I am helping your spiritual sight to awaken fully so you can clearly see Heavenly love.”

“Your clairvoyance may come in different forms:  as fleeting mental images in your mind’s eye; as dreams; as recurring sights in the physical world; as auras and energy; or as apparition experiences.  All of the facets of clairvoyance are beautiful and varied.  Enjoy and trust them.  Hold the intention of seeing only love, and that is what you’ll see.”

For the End of the week your Angel Card is:

Archangel Gabriel

Archangel Gabriel

Nurture: Archangel Gabriel – “As you nurture a child, you nurture your own inner child. Both activities are important for you right now.”

“One reason why its important for you to help children s because you’re also helping your own inner child in the process.  You’re teaching what you need to learn, so pay particular attention to the messages you deliver to children and their parents.  Know that those messages are for you as well.  Take time to play, laugh, and to be silly and carefree.  Nurture your inner child with as much love and attention as possible.”


If you are feeling blocked and think that some energy work will help you, your next group remote energy clearing healing starts on November 29, you can see more details here. 21 Day Energy Clearing/Healing Offering ~ Starts November 29, 2016

If you need someone to help you look at your life from a fresh perspective and help you navigate changes in your life, to see if the changes you are considering are supported by Spirit, a psychic reading can help. You can contact me here.

If you want to hear what others have said about their readings you can check that out on my Psychic Reading Testimonial/Review page.

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