Okay, I haven’t written an energy alert in a long time.  I must apologize for that, I have been very busy both personally and professionally the past little while.

I am actually busy today as well, so bear with me if this is quick and there are any spelling errors or anything.  I just had to get it out for you today.

First off, leading up to the full moon that we had on the 9th was NUTS.  Lots of fear energy coming out and decisions to be made, weird anger energy, the need for aloneness etc.

That’s behind us now and the last week or so may have felt dead calm to some of you.

This is what I was told:  If you dealt with some of your ‘fear issues’ during the full moon, things all of a sudden got very quiet.  You may have felt very ‘lazy’ or lackadaisical or something, you may have been wondering what is wrong with you that you didn’t have the ‘business’ or ‘urgency’ that you had through June and the beginning of July.

OR…. if you didn’t deal with your stuff during the full moon, the last week might have been filled with drama and things going wrong, or just having to put out fire after fire.  If this is you, don’t worry, just take some time to chill out.  Self care and meditation, thinking about YOUR needs/wants instead of the wants/needs of others’ will help.

Right this minute, we have some EXTREME solar energy and downloads going on.  Your body may feel a bit ‘off’.  If you feel the need to go to the doctor to make yourself feel better, please do.

I wrote this in Miami!

However, there are a lot of people feeling like they are getting a little bit sick.  For myself, last week I had a sore throat and thought I was getting a cold.  It went away, with some self care, but I never did get a cold.  Today, I feel a little weird in the head (not my normal ‘weird in the head’ ha ha), just my ears are popping and then ringing and then being stuffed, then clearing.  Someone close to me has a little bit of unexplained tummy issues.  For the past couple of weeks, I have felt heart palpitations by my thymus chakra.  The other morning I was sitting having my coffee, and I had a really weird feeling come over me and wondered if I was having a heart attack ~ I wasn’t, I’m fine.  (I did go to the doctor last Thursday for a ‘regular’ check-up and everything came back wonderful and healthy).  I do need to reiterate, if you feel like you are truly sick, please do see your doctor.

Anyway, we are going through a LOT right now.  You MUST take care of yourself, you can’t do anything for anyone else right now.  It won’t work.

We are all ascending from where we were.  Even your loved ones around you.  For some of us it will be easier than for others.  Its not up to us to dictate who feels like what.  We cannot make someone else feel something.  Feeling is a very personal experience.

This summer will be one of the most powerful summers we have had in our lifetime.  Take care of you.  Put yourself first.  This is a perfect opportunity to create YOUR life (NOT the life of other’s, they will come along or they won’t ~ not your call and nothing you can control).  What you set in place between now and the end of the year is what you will be bringing into the next cycle.  Make sure the choices you make EMPOWER you.

Even if things seem to be falling apart, realize that the seeds of the new are held in the shell of the old.  Sometimes the old has to fall apart before you can plant new seeds.

This is a great time to figure out what makes YOU happy and to do more of that.  Try and remember to play, to have fun.  The shifts we are undergoing on our planet are HUGE.  If you forget to make yourself happy, or keep yourself happy, you will be spreading more misery than you will love.

Take care of yourself, take care of yourself, take care of yourself.

Enjoy life, allow other people to be who they need to be right now, allow them to do what they need to do right now.  Even if it feels like they are wrong.  Who are you to say?

Just as you taking care of you is something you need to do without letting the opinions of others get in the way, you need to allow the same for those people in your life.

Hoping this helps,

with big heaps of love,




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