How’s everyone doing? It seems like every time I do an energy alert its all about the “intense energy”. I suppose that’s why I do them though to let you know that you aren’t alone if you are feeling a bit ‘off’. As more of you on the planet are realizing that everything is energy, and as the collective is raising its vibration, it can feel pretty intense.

I don’t know about you, but I have been having some high highs and some low lows. There has been very little middle ground. If you have been experiencing this know its not just you losing your mind. It is all of us, the collective trying to find our balance.

Full moons bring release, what do you need to let go of that is unbalanced in your life? Over the next month, think balance. The scales have been tipping from one extreme to the other. The next month will be all about letting things go and finding your ‘happy’ place where you can balance those highs and lows.

Its important to get clear on what you want and need. Not what everyone else around you expects of you, what you really desire so that you can thrive. Once you are thriving you will have more than enough to share (love, abundance, happiness).

When you find yourself in a low point, its important to remind yourself that you will be okay, because you will. The contrast of the ‘low feelings’ will help you find what you really need and want in order to be happy. This is something you need to go through in order to get really clear on what can stay and what can go. When you think about releasing on this full moon, do so with as much love as you can muster.

Many of you feel as if you do not have time to do your own meditations and energy work, so I am doing a mini Energy Clearing and Healing starting tomorrow, Wednesday, April 18. If you want in on it, you can sign up by clicking this paragraph.

If you look at our entire planet you can see how old things are being broken down so they can become new. Fires, floods, tsunamis, all this brings new growth (birth, divine feminine energy). This has been going on for a long time now, it started in a big way in 2012. The divine feminine has been coming to the surface over the past years. (I won’t elaborate too much here, but think #metoo and all the other things that have come to light).

This time is not all doom and gloom, it is a time of awakening to who you truly are, what you truly want. You are much more intuitive (Divine Feminine energy), than you give yourself credit for. Just be still and try and listen to what your heart wants, it will tell you ~ you must learn to trust and listen.

I will end this here as all we are going through right now could be a whole book and my intention with this post is to simply help you along at this moment.

With Love, Tamara Hawk

If you need someone to help you look at your life from a fresh Empowering Perspective and help you navigate changes in your life, to see if the changes you are considering are supported by Spirit, a psychic reading can help. You can contact me here.

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