This is a follow-up to my last post about Control, in which I wrote that we do have control over our own lives.

Something we do not ever have control over is someone else. A lot of times you may find yourself wondering why you are in a certain situation, thinking that “if I have control over my life, why are things turning out this way?”

Take a close look at what is going on and see if what you are going through is really a personal thing for or with you, or if it is related to someone or something else. What actions are you taking to get what you say you want? If you aren’t taking any actions, the universe and your higher self will take over to get you to where you would like to be. This might lead to a feeling of having no control, when really you do.

Let’s say you are trying very hard to manifest a good relationship. Well, these types of things take two. So, if your mind has chosen someone who cannot give you what you want, you need to change your mind: “Why am I not getting what I want if I have control?” Maybe you are. Maybe the only way to have the relationship you are dreaming of is to let go of the one you are in. You cannot control other people.

It often works like this for career too. If we want something else, but are really comfortable where we are, the chances of us making a change are pretty slim. Which means, the chances of us making changes in order to manifest our dreams are slim. Sometimes we think about what we want our career to look like without taking any action. That is when things can get uncomfortable, and we finally make a move.

This applies even in this “global recession”. We don’t have control over the ‘global’ part, but we have control over our own part. If it is affecting you, what have you changed? Have you adjusted yourself accordingly? You cannot necessarily make a job or money appear out of thin air, but you can create a job and money. It will take some work and (sometimes), a different way of thinking about things. You most certainly can take control and do things differently, expand your awareness and allow other experiences into your life.

Only you can answer these questions for yourself. But whenever you feel blocked and out of control of your life, wondering if this is ‘just how it is’, or ‘maybe I need to be learning something’ or whatever the thought is: take a close look and see exactly what it is that you would like to manifest differently in your life.

Take stock of what it is that you want. Where do you see yourself headed? What is it that you are trying to control? Is there something that you want in your life but it is not appearing? What changes do you need to make, consciously, before the new can show itself to you? Where are you holding back on making changes? Where can you make some moves and do things differently. These are all areas that you need to look at before you will realize how much control you really do have.

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