The Time Is Now! Choose Your Dimension

This video kind of came through like an urgent message from my Peeps: It is time to choose which frequency you want to live in. The more you can live in 5th dimensional energies like your intuition and the knowledge that you are a powerful creator of your own life and...

Energy Alert ~ Shifting Dimensions ~ June 18, 2020

I have always tried to not be too woo woo when sharing because I didn’t want to alienate anyone.  The times we are in, and the times that are coming up are too important at this point though and if I need to be woo woo, then so be it. If you have been following...

Life is Harder Than Ever Before ~ Or is it???

Saying that “Life is harder than it used to be” is so much BS.  Life on planet earth is so much EASIER than it has ever been before. What is HARD is trying to keep fitting into the old paradigm (and energies) and make your way in the “Matrix” that has been...