How to Bend Time

As humans on earth, we have had the ability and opportunity to be able to bend time for quite a few years now.  Most humans have no idea that they can do this even though most have experienced it in some form over their lifetimes. Sometimes when you are busy and lost...

Only Live till Bedtime

I know that is a funny title for this post, but I do have a point with it.  Most of you are so stressed out, and so busy and so ungrounded that your anxiety levels have gone through the roof.  Or maybe its gone beyond that and you don’t have the energy to feel...

Energy Alert May 27, 2015

Just have to do an energy alert today because we have crazy energy this week.  You may feel very ungrounded, out of control, or like things are spinning so fast you don’t even know where to go. I myself, have many projects on the go and it feels like none of...

You will always have challenges

Life can be challenging at times.  Sometimes your challenges come from something that is outside of yourself and sometimes it comes from within. The thing is, you will always have them.  If you don’t you will suffer boredom and maybe even depression.  You need...

What Makes You Happy?

So a friend of mine asked the question on Facebook, “What Makes You Happy”.  There were a TON of responses.  Here are some of them.  Not necessarily verbatim, but the gist of what people said: I start by choosing to be happy and count my blessings Taking a...