Why I Write

I write these blog posts for you.  All of us are on a journey, it is a journey of your Soul.  A journey that will end with all of us going back home.  I believe we come here to have experiences, and I believe we are meant to find the path to what fulfills us in this...

You will always have challenges

Life can be challenging at times.  Sometimes your challenges come from something that is outside of yourself and sometimes it comes from within. The thing is, you will always have them.  If you don’t you will suffer boredom and maybe even depression.  You need...

You will always have challenges

There will never be a time in your life that you are not challenged in one area or another.  Never.  Even if your life is relatively good, you will still have challenges.  Wouldn’t it be nice if you could find a way to enjoy each challenge as it came along?...