Learning To Recognize Your Dominant Vibration

Laws of Attraction and Assumption Truths.. For Better and More Positive Manifesting I know that you may know this already, but it bears repeating: our manifestations always show us where our vibrational set point is pointing to whether we pay attention to it or not....

How To Manifest Better

We Get What We Focus On, Not Just What We Say We Want! We are manifesting 100% of the time whether we realize it or not. The hard part is paying attention to what our feelings are and what our thoughts are when we are having those feelings. That is why so many of you...

I Don’t Care What Other People Think!

How often do you find yourself saying those words?  To yourself or to other people? Did you know that people who are truly okay with who they are and what they are, almost never say those words.  EVER. The ones who use that phrase the most are the ones who are most...

What is Energetic Vibration?

In my readings and my blog posts I often refer to “Vibration”.  When I say Vibration, I am talking about the energy that is emitted by something.  I thought I would write a post to explain vibration so that when you read or hear my words you will know what I am...