Remember…You’ve Got This

You are so very powerful.  I don’t always know why I write what I write but I always trust that its what you need to hear.  You are reading this for a reason.  Whether you are reading it on the day I am writing it, or 100 years later, this is for you. You are...

No, I will not work for Free, and Neither Should You

This post is for all of you who are self-employed and may have friends or colleagues asking you to work for free.  It is also for those of you who think that I may want to work for free.  It happens. I actually have people who email me when they have an opportunity or...

Psychic Awakening – Course Review

Psychic Awakening is an online course that you can download. I mentioned it briefly at the end of this blog post How Much Control Do You Have Over Your Life Over the years I have taken on mentoring clients, and still do once in a while. I have also thought many times...

Working with/as a Psychic Advisor

Is your psychic working with the light, or do they have their own agenda? There are some psychics out there who try to control your life.  They will tell you what is going to happen and then tell you that there is nothing you can do about it, that it is preordained. ...

Highlights from November – so far…

Wow, what a busy month so far! I sent out my Newsletter at the beginning of the month and haven’t had time to do a blog post since! It is good though, not stressful at all, just busy and moving forward. I even managed some time for myself this past weekend. I...