Couple More “Best Of” posts from September 2011

This first one might be timely for any of you that have experienced a relationship that involved some type of abuse.  We have just come out of Venus Retrograde and I know that relationships have shifted for a lot of you. Confused by an Abusive Relationship? So I wrote...

Venus Retrograde is Almost Over ~ Have you made a shift?

Venus is about to go direct after about 5 weeks of being retrograde.  There has been a big push for change in relationships.  If your relationships are no longer serving you, you may have decided to leave and start fresh.  Even if you are in a positive relationship,...

Venus Retrograde, July 25, 2015

So Venus goes retrograde today until September 6th.  There are currently 6 planets retrograde at the moment.  The next few weeks will be intense, but it can be in a good way. If you have been working on letting stuff go in your life and moving forward you should be...