Today is a blank slate, as is tomorrow and the next day…

A lot of you think that you are here today because something was “meant to be”.  And sometimes that is true.  However, you are a creator and where you are now is a result of the decisions that you made yesterday and the day before and the day before that....

Solar Energy Alert ~ October 15, 2015

We are passing through a really big solar wind over the next few days (through the weekend).  A giant coronal hole opened up in the sun and we will likely see and feel the effects. Some of the effects of this Solar Storm and what to do for them: If you are sensitive...

Its the First Day of Autumn Today

Happy equinox!  Its a change of seasons, and that brings a change of energy. Now is a good time to balance your energy.  Imagine you are standing at a crossroads.  You must follow your heart.  Release all that does not serve your highest and best good. If you are not...

Abraham Hicks ~ On Being an Empathizer

I really wanted to share this with you.  Many of you who read my blog are empaths.  I am an empath.  I have written about being an empath before, but this is another perspective from Esther Hicks channeling Abraham. I have always said that we can control our gifts.  I...

Energy Alert for March 6, 2015

I haven’t done a blog post on an energy alert for a while, but I thought I needed to today.  It feels like things are really intense for a lot of people, including myself. Just want to tell you that this will pass.  One of the reasons for this energy (basically...