3 Things You Need To Know Going Into 2024

Power, Money, AND Being Your Best Recently, our Peeps had some empowering perspectives to share with you and to help humanity as a whole in this live channeled broadcast, “3 Things You Need To Know Going Into 2024;” messages about your power (and...

Just Who Are You Letting Off the Hook?

So you have someone in your life that has been a jerk to you.  Maybe they owe you money, or maybe they have done something really mean to you, or done or said something that hurt your feelings, or left you in the lurch in some way. If you were to make a choice to let...

Abraham Hicks on Money

So I came across these two videos and thought I would share them with you. They are Esther Hicks channelling Abraham and they are both related to money. These cover off debt and money in relationships as well. They won’t be for everyone, but if your financial...

2015 is a Power(ful) Year

It is time to take your power back.  2014 was a pretty tough year for most people.  I’ve blogged a lot over the past few years about letting go, and it’s as if 2014 was the year for anything we either didn’t willingly let go of, or that we didn’t know needed to be let...