3 Things You Need To Know Going Into 2024

Power, Money, AND Being Your Best Recently, our Peeps had some empowering perspectives to share with you and to help humanity as a whole in this live channeled broadcast, “3 Things You Need To Know Going Into 2024;” messages about your power (and...

Are You Afraid of Your Own Inner Strength?

Strength?  Power?  Are those synonymous?  Is power just not the use of strength?  Why then do some people have a problem with the word Power.  Many of you will say happily “I have an inner strength”, yet be afraid to say “I have power”? Is it...

Power vs. Control

We are in some very powerful times on our planet.  2014 was a really intense year for all of us.  So much came up for us to evaluate or re-evaluate.  Some things just needed to be rejigged but a LOT of stuff needed to be let go of. The good news.  Finally the energy...