Evil Gets Cancelled, A Lightworker Story

Do We Really Need To Focus A Lot On The Evils of The World? I wrote this story about 7 years ago and never published it because, at the time, it was incomplete. Well, my assistant pulled it up from the archives the other day and after channeling a bit more information...

Remember Who You Are ~ A Child of Light & Love

I almost got sucked into the collective ‘state of the world’ this morning. I did notice it quickly, so it only ended up lasting about 15 minutes. But it felt so foreign to me, I knew something was up. My normal state is feeling pretty good and happy. So when I don’t...

November 18 Energy Alert ~ Feeling a little stunned?

I had to do an energy alert for you today because I know so many of you are feeling it.  Its a little bit confusing, this energy we are in right now. So many things to do, and so little coherency to go with it.  Its like we know what needs to be done but have no idea...

Couple More “Best Of” posts from September 2011

This first one might be timely for any of you that have experienced a relationship that involved some type of abuse.  We have just come out of Venus Retrograde and I know that relationships have shifted for a lot of you. Confused by an Abusive Relationship? So I wrote...

How to throw a love ball!

Okay, so we all have negative people in our life.  If we have done our “work” we might not have very many negative people around us, but it is inevitable that at some point you will come across someone who is less than loving. Here is a way to instantly change the...