November 1st Energy ~ daily message

I wasn’t sure if I was going to do an energy alert today or not but I sat down to write and that’s what I got.  Must be the 11/1 energy of today. You have probably noticed that the last couple of weeks have been mildly lackadaisical.  Not that we...

Energy Alert ~ September 11, 2015

We are in a time of Super Moons and eclipses which always brings us change and transformation.  We have also been getting more cosmic downloads and infusions of light. The feelings this week for many have been all over the place.  One day all gung-ho and ready to take...

Are You Taking Advantage of this Energy to Transform?

Everything is changing ~ it has been changing and growing since 2012.  Are you allowing yourself to grow with the new energies? Many people who are still resonating with the old 3D reality are waiting for “The End”.  The end pretty much happened already a...