I have a couple of ladies that come to visit me every couple of weeks. The one that has been coming the longest is Judy and she is a very sweet woman. We usually end up talking for about 5 or 10 minutes and they usually leave me a copy of the Watchtower or Awake. They are Jehovah’s Witnesses and they are doing what they can to help spread their word.

Now I know a lot of people don’t like the Jehovah’s Witnesses coming to their door and they make fun of them or get mad at them. I don’t agree with everything thing they say, and its a shame that they are so fearful, but really, they are just like me and you and they are doing what they know.

We actually have some very good conversations. For the past few months they had been talking about Armageddon – a lot. I told them that each and every day is Armageddon for someone, somewhere.

Its funny, normally when they come now, I talk much more than they do. I do not preach, but they will say something and I cannot help but respond with what I know.

I talk to them a lot about spreading love not fear. I was talking of the fact that what we put out there can snowball. Last time they were here, I told them that with some of the crises going on in the world, we had an opportunity to spread love, and acknowledge all the positive loving people that are on the planet right now. It was apparent that that had not occured to them until I said it. That was not where their focus was.

I talked about what difference each of us could make. When we come into contact with someone, we can chose to interact with love or with fear/anger. Just one loving interaction with one person can change our energy for the whole day. Why don’t we chose to be the one that can assist someone to feel better? It is so easy. Say thank you to someone. Be polite when in a store, don’t rush so much and don’t be so self absorbed that you think other people’s time isn’t as important as yours. Speeding and tailgaiting while on the road can cause angst for whoever it is you just cut off. Why not just be a bit more patient, take 30 seconds more to get to where you need to go and spread that type of energy, instead of the fear energy we feel when you are driving agressively around us?

We have all had experiences where we’ve driven somewhere and by the time we got to our destination we are basket cases because of how those in other cars were acting. DON’T BE THAT PERSON IN THE OTHER CAR!!!! You will be less frazzled and the rest of us on the road will appreciate it.

But I digress. Judy left me a couple of articles to read, which I probably will if I have time. She said “Oh, you probably don’t watch the news then, I don’t”. I said quite the contrary. I told her that I did watch the news. How else could I know where my prayers are needed most? I told her that when I watch the news, I do not look at the screen with thoughts of “oh no, what a mess the world is”. I look at it and send loving and healing energy wherever it is needed. When I see how many people are trying to help I can visibly see the love that is being projected, that is where I put my focus.

I am only one person, sending one set of prayers to many different areas of the planet. However, I believe it does make a difference.

Just before Judy walked away today, I put my hand on her shoulder, and I said. Just remember, when you are going to people’s doors today, focus on the love of what is in the world, not the fear of what is out there. I hope she thinks on it and makes that decision. I know that she no longer mentions anything to me about “Armageddon or “God’s Anger”, as a matter of fact, today the scripture she shared with me talked all about God’s love, and the loving people on earth. Maybe she’s getting it…..Love is what its all about.

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