For most of my life, I have heard the words, “you are so lucky”.

When I was in my teens and twenties, it used to bother me because I have always worked very hard for what I have, but now I just say “Why yes I am!”

Here is what I want to share with you though.  It’s not just that I am lucky.  I move, I act, I take leaps of faith.  We make our own luck.  Luck is 100% perception.

I have lost jobs and said “I’m lucky I’m not stuck in that dead-end anymore”.

I have left relationships (or worse yet, been dumped) and said “I am lucky I got out of that”.

I have been broke and said “I am lucky I have someone to buy me food”.

What we focus on is what we create.  I focus on love and gratitude, have for most of my life.  No matter what my circumstance are in any given moment, I always try to bring my focus back to what is going right.  I always know and trust that whatever happens, in the end, one day, it will be okay.  I will be in a different place, but I will survive.

I have been through some horrible times in my life, but I still think I am lucky.  I always seem to be able to move to a new energetic space that was better than the one before.

My husband and I are both self employed and have been for 9 years.  We are just now starting to see a light at the end of our financial tunnel.  We have massive amounts of debt from our businesses, but for the past few years we have been unencumbered by the 9-5 and our life is good ~ we are happy (for me personally, happiness trumps everything).  After all this time, we are finally starting to make a little profit.  There have been times over the years when we did not know how we were going to pay the mortgage, but I kept focused on the love and gratitude I had for the roof over my head.  When we did not have money for food, rather than be angry, I was grateful that my mom stepped in and helped.  No matter how bad things got, I was always grateful that I had the fortitude to quit my day job.

Next time you see someone who is doing well, rather than just say “they are lucky”, why not try saying, they worked their asses off for a really long time and went without a lot of the time, took chances, so that “one day”, they could live their dream.  Is this Luck?  Or is it simply a willingness to make changes, take a chance and work hard?  What would you be willing to give up for a little while to get what you want in the end?  Most people, will answer “nothing”, and most will go through their lives feeling like they could have done or been more.

“If you want things in your life to change, you have to change things in your life.”  I can help you with this.

Do you want to be lucky?  Here is what you can do NOW to get started.

  • Be grateful for everything you have at every opportunity
  • Radiate Love for all that is in your life.  People AND things.
  • CHANGE something, anything.  Whether it be a habit, a relationship, a job, an attitude.  CHANGE SOMETHING!
  • Take the words “I can’t” out of your vocabulary.  You can have, be or do, anything you want.  That is a FACT.  (you just need to learn how to focus on what you want, not on what you don’t want).
  • Think about what you might be willing to give up for a time so that you could get everything you want later.

If you are ready to make changes in your life, and feel that you would like some help, I am available for mentoring/coaching.  Just use the form here and let me know.  I can help with all aspects of life, relationships, business, money, love, or developing your psychic abilities.


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