I love the times that we are in now. Mother Earth being in 5th Dimensional Energy. I have had many clients lately that are in the middle of BIG transitions. Major changes. These changes can be really scary sometimes. We as humans, wondering how things will work out.

I would like to share with you that I have been through a transition myself. It started happening gradually and I was very open to it, excited at the thought of it. What I did though, and what many of my clients are doing, is I procrastinated with the changes. I felt the changes, I acted on SOME of the changes, but I kept holding onto the old stuff. I have been doing Clairvoyant readings my whole life and I kept trying to hang onto that.

I didn’t start blogging about the changes, I didn’t post the changes on my website. I had considered closing this website and starting another (which I may still do). I did, finally, change some of the text on my home page, and am working on a brand new draft of my “About” page.

I have been working more and more with higher dimensional energies. Energies of Ascended Masters (including Jesus who channels to/through me quite often in my private meditations these days), Arch Angels, Source etc. When I am working at this level, I see less of our 3rd Dimensional world. Because our 3rd Dimensional world is just a reflection of our vibration. At this level, the what is much less important than the feelings and creations we are living.

I am a clairvoyant. Always have been. I often see things very clearly as they are coming up. On occasion, I still work with Guides and Teachers, but less often now. Up until recently, I kept trying to force myself to do more Clairvoyant readings. It is what I had always done. I realize now that trying to hang onto that 3rd Dimensional energy is sucking the energy out of me. Working with 5th dimensional energies is so much easier for me now. Trying to lower my vibration to the how or the what is too draining. I would much rather speak to your soul and provide guidance that way.

Our reason for being on this earth is to live in love and joy and to be happy. That’s it PERIOD. These are the messages I get most often these days. Ways for you to be happy. It is not that I cannot ‘see’ things clairvoyantly. It is that from the Higher Dimensions, it is usually not important.

It can sometimes be helpful to know what to look out for in future events, (whether its something positive or not so positive), but it is not a good idea to live your life though someone else’s clairvoyant images. YOU are creating and re-creating your life in each and every moment, and with every thought you have.

My readings are much more ‘feeling’ focused than ever before. They are all about helping, and healing, and releasing and moving forward and creating the life you want. When you come for a reading with me, expect to hear what you can do to improve your vibration, how you can enhance, or use, or change your energy in order to change the circumstances around you and of your life. DO NOT show up just expecting me to tell you how to live your 3D life. You will be disappointed. There are many other people out there that will do that for you, its just not something you will find here.

Much love and gratitude to all of you.

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