You really do get what you expect to get.  How you are treated, your financial situation, in stores, from clients… the list goes on.  You get what you expect to get.

Many of you may be arguing this point already, but you are more than just your affirmations and statements.  More than 90% of your expectations are subconscious.  You can re-train your subconcisous to work for you instead of against you but it takes a lot of work.

Most of the world runs on auto-pilot and that is sad because the automatic thoughts most of you have are not positive or for your best good.  They are the thoughts that hold you back and hold you down.

I have been practicing this for years and years and sometimes I still get stuck in a subconscious thought pattern that I wasn’t aware of.  The biggest difference between you and me is that I consciously PRACTICE awareness every day.  When I do get stuck in an unconscious pattern I eventually see it and correct it.

You need to be very careful about what you read and who you listen to as well.  Even some very well intentioned people will have you focusing on what you do not want.  I remember a few years ago, I was following a coach who said “if you don’t have hater’s you haven’t made it yet”.  That made sense to me.  After all we cannot please everyone.  It was what happened after that that was the big lesson for me.  All of a sudden I had more dissatisfied clients.  I almost NEVER had dissatisfied clients (subconscious thought “I must not be successful yet, I don’t have haters”).  I can either read for someone or I can’t.  I don’t make stuff up, I don’t force a reading if I don’t get information right away ~ but I had some people that were really hard to read ~  I didn’t feel good after the reading and neither did they.

For the record, most of my clients were still very happy with their appointments, but for some reason 1 of every 20 or so just seemed to be extra hard.  I didn’t know what the heck was up.  I am really good at manifesting and this wasn’t what I wanted.  It was through my practice of awareness, and my practice of really KNOWING what I was thinking of that made me realize that that one statement from that one coach I looked up to had brought an expectation into my subconscious that I would have ‘haters’.  As soon as I realized what happened, guess what, I CHANGED IT!!   And it DID change, overnight.  I no longer attract clients into my life that have unrealistic expectations, or that don’t want to hear what I have to say.

It can be that subtle.  Now, no kidding, I can be sitting here on a day off thinking “oh, I should have booked work today, I’m bored and have nothing else to do”, and BAM all of a sudden I will get an email from someone who would like a reading today.  The reason it works this way for me is because I EXPECT IT TO.  I don’t THINK or AFFIRM about it – I EXPECT it.

Energy is very powerful.  We create and attract into our lives in EVERY MOMENT.  You need to be very aware of what you are thinking, because what you are thinking is what you are expecting.  And you will get what you really, subconsciously expect most of the time.

If you expect traffic to be bad, you will experience bad traffic.  If you expect to have bad service in a restaurant, you will get it.

The tricky part is to know what your subconscious is expecting.  Many of you will say, well I expected such and such and it was the exact opposite.  I will use service in a restaurant as an example but with awareness you will be able to see this in ANY part of your life.  If you subconsciously expect bad service, but you affirm to yourself “I always receive good service”, you will still get bad service.  Why, because you are affirming one thing, but your subconscious is telling you something else.  You are stating that affirmation, but you are thinking about (and vibrating), all the times you had bad service.  You are stating that affirmation BECAUSE you have experienced the opposite so many times.  See how that works?

Psychic ReadingsYou need to become aware of when you are doing this and get more to the root of the issue.  So you had bad service before.  Okay.  Thinking about that bad service got you more bad service and it created a snowball effect and now you get bad service most of the time.  It is NOT AN ACCIDENT that you get to the restaurant at the exact same time as your server got some really bad news and is now not focused at work at all, nor is it an accident that you got there at the precise time that a table opened in that servers area.

In order to turn something like this around, you first need to become aware of it.  Once you are aware of it, the rest is much easier.  So, you say “I have had bad service in the past”.  If you can actually take responsibility for the “Coincidence”, of creating it, you can change it.  This time you say “wow, I created some really bad experiences for myself, I think this time I will relax, and be patient and kind, and see what happens.  I know and understand that everything that happens is a reflection of how I perceive it, so I will just see the good in all of it.  Even if something that some would perceive as negative happens, I will be happy because I know it will be showing me a reflection of what is in my subconscious and that alone can make the experience positive.”

This is like MAGIC!  It will change everything for you.  It will bring you into a state of awareness that you have never had before.  YOU are the Creator!  Isn’t that wonderful news!  Try this!  Next time you wonder ‘what the heck’ with ANY situation in your life, don’t just “affirm” something that you cannot subconsciously believe.  Recognize what your EXPECTATIONS are, and adjust them!

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