Wow.  I was just watching a bit of the news, (which I do once in a while, but no where near as often as I used to), and I’ve realized the message of the day is to lighten up man.  This is crazy.

It amazes me what people get mad at or worry about or take seriously.

Here are a few things I’d like to share, take what you want, let go of the rest…

– Its only STUFF!

– Only the end of the world is the end of the world

– Let other people have their opinions!  Why on earth get mad because someone doesn’t think or act exactly like you do?  Are you kidding me, who cares?  It would be a pretty boring world if we were all exactly the same.

– Gas prices are lower, its good Yay!

– Gas prices are lower, its bad OH NO!!

Gas prices are just being manipulated to screw Russia over anyway, not much to do with anything else.  Don’t fall for it.  The people who “run the world economy” have it all under their control.

– I want that newspaper and I am in line for it.  I don’t care if you don’t have any.  I am going to yell at you for an hour, just because I WANT ONE!  (sound like any 2 year olds you know?)




Up to this point this post has been a little tongue in cheek and to make you think about what’s important in your life and to lighten up.

Don’t fall for all the crap you see out there, its not worth it.  I’m going to stop writing now because I’m not going to lower my vibration to that of the news or the uptight people on it.  Don’t you let it happen to you either.

Life is good, you have something to smile about, (if nothing else, know you are loved).  So smile, and have a nice evening.



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