We are creators. That’s it period. Really absorb that thought WE ARE CREATORS. What does that mean?

It means that whatever your life looks like, you made it that way. If you are stuck somewhere and feel like you can’t get out of it, then the thought that “I am stuck”, is YOU creating more of being stuck.

It is human nature to look at “reality”, or “facts”, and say ‘that’s just how it is, nothing I can do about it’. Even those of you who are aware of, and try and practice the “Law of Attraction”, get stuck in this. You may work on trying to attract the life you want, you do your affirmations, you ‘think positively’, you smile, you work on being nice and kind to others. You try and ‘feel good now’. Yet nothing changes.

We are more than just “attractors”, we are creators. Sometimes the harder you try and attract something into your life using the law of attraction, it seems the worse things get. Usually this happens because you are focusing on what you have, not on what you want.

Creating vs. Manifesting

My first lesson in this was a small thing, but it really taught me the difference between the two. I had a carpet that I put outside so that we could bang the dust out of it. It was during a two month dry spell. I kept looking at it, and thinking how hard it was to get help to bang the dust out.  After a long time, when autumn was about to arrive, I started thinking “we should get to that carpet, I don’t want it to get wet”. Every time I looked at it, I thought “I don’t want that carpet to get wet”.
Much like staring at something and thinking about something to get it to “manifest”.

So, what happened. The carpet got wet. What was I focusing on? Initially, if I had focused on “let’s get that carpet clean”, I would have created the inspiration to actually ask for help and get it done. I would have be so focused on a clean carpet, I would have “manifested” it; and in this case, by manifest, I mean CREATE.

This is a really simplistic way to explain it, but hopefully it works for you.

If you want things in your life to change, you have to change things in your life. That’s all there is to it. It isn’t even really magic, but it can seem like it is. Sometimes we sit and hope and wish for change, but it seems like it never happens. It is because we are focusing on what we don’t want (wet carpet, I have no money, I am all alone etc.), and we lack the inspiration to change anything in our lives.

Hawk Creating

Positive creation comes with change and with inspired action.

Doing nothing, or doing things that you are not inspired to do will not create positive things in your life.  You are always creating; but for positive creation, you need inspiration MORE than just motivation.

Even if you have a job now that you do not like or do not think you want to do long term, how you look at it is what will create the next part of your life. You may say, I am not inspired to do the job I have right now. But then, you may not be in a position to quit that job just yet.

Your perceptions are what will help create what comes next. If you go into work loathing it, and thinking about how much you do not like it, it will not provide much for you (except perhaps stress). If you go into your job and do your work, and appreciate what it does for you right now (provides some income), then you are on your way to creating more of what you want. If you are not inspired by the actual work you do, then let yourself be inspired by the paycheque in the short term. As you are appreciating the paycheque (it could be worse, you could have NO job), you can allow yourself to be inspired by being paid. As you are grateful for the work you have, and you are feeling good, you will start to be more inspired in a positive way to do other things. You may need to stay in your current situation/job for a while until your new inspirations will work, (or you find a new job), but it is your outlook, attitude and gratitude that will get you more.

Once you understand the concept that you are creating in every moment, you will find that you want to be more aware of your thoughts and what you are creating for you next.

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