This post is the sixth in a series for healing and clearing your Sixth, Third Eye, Chakra.  If you are wanting to enhance your intuitive abilities clearing and strengthening your third eye is important.

These meditations should be done in order.  You should have now meditated on the Root Chakra, The Sacral Chakra, the Solar Plexus Chakra, Heart Chakra and Throat Chakra.  If you have not done the others, I suggest going back and doing them first.

Third Eye Chakra Attributes

– Located in the middle of the forehead.
– Colour – Indigo blue.
– The physical attributes of the Third Eye Chakra:  Thought centre:  Central nervous system, spine, pituitary gland.
– The Third Eye Chakra is concerned with Seeking Truth.  Inner knowing, wisdom, clairvoyance (seeing by intuition).

Meditation for Healing the Third Eye Chakra

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