We are so bombarded with messages from media and other people.  Sometimes it feels like we are told so often what we should do or be or how we should think, what our lives should be like that it can be easy to completely forget who we even are.

You are told that you should want to be in a relationship with someone, that single people are happier, that married men live longer, that you should work hard, that you should not work so hard, that you should drive a certain kind of car, or be green and bike or walk, and that you should eat fresh veggies, that you shouldn’t eat veggies from farmers markets because they have salmonella, that you should only eat organic, that you shouldn’t bother buying organic because organic has no more nutrition than regular, that you need to have kids, that you can wait longer to have kids than ever before with all these medical breakthroughs, that you should get a mentor and have intuitive guidance, that you shouldn’t waste any money at all on mentors or psychics, that you should not have a j.o.b. and that the only way to get ahead is to be self-employed, that you shouldn’t bother starting your own business because its hard and the lean times are stressful, that you should rake your leaves so your yard looks nicer, that you should leave your leaves because it is better for the ecosystem, that you should drive a car that uses electrical power, that you should cut down on using electricity, that you should vote and be heard, that your vote does not count, its all fixed so don’t bother….

do what you want

This list is truly ENDLESS….  I could have made that last paragraph TEN THOUSAND pages long I’m sure.

I have the bestest idea ever.  How about you do WHAT MAKES YOU HAPPY!!!

I don’t suggest that you do anything that will harm another person, but I can tell you that no matter what you do, there will be someone on this beautiful planet of ours that will have a different opinion than you do.  That is what makes your life so wonderful.  We are all a part of the same Universal Energy, but on the human/ego level we all have different tastes.

So, the message for today.  Do what you want as long as its not directly harming someone else!


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