Do you make commitments?  Do you keep your commitments?

Vibrationally speaking, it is important that you do what you say you are going to do.

When you break your commitments, you are energetically connecting with a specific morphic energy field.  It is not one of the morphic fields you want to connect your energy to if you want to be successful.  Once you start breaking commitments and connect to that energy, it gets way too easy to continue breaking commitments.  Then one after another after another get broken.  The Law of Attraction will work perfectly for you in this instance, to your detriment, but it will work.

On February 2nd, I committed to write a blog post a day for 21 days ~ again.  I committed to write a blog post a day for 21 Days at the end of December as well.   Just for kicks, I ended up writing a blog post each day in between those two commitments too, so I am on day 43 now. I wasn’t sure I could do it.  After all, if you look back at my blog over the years my blogging was pretty sporadic.


Originally the main reason I kept it up is because I do what I say I am going do.  I had a pretty busy work day today.  I wasn’t sure if I would even have time to do this blog post.  I’ve got other things on my mind, my son needs to use my computer for his schoolwork (don’t know what’s wrong with his, he prefers to use mine though).  BUT, I said I would do it, I made the commitment to do a post every day and so I am.

I suppose that something ‘big’ could happen and I might not be able to write a post, but it would have to be something pretty big for me to break a commitment.  I don’t want to get sucked into that morphic field (basically of breaking promises).  That field exists and that is the other “main reason” I won’t break my commitments.

Another reason I am keeping up with my writing though is that The Law of Attraction does work and I am using it to my advantage.  I am finding that the more I write and share, the more I have to write and share about.  It works that way.  Thoughts are things and thoughts create.  And as I think about writing, teaching, sharing, channeling, I attract more things to write about.

If I had thought “I don’t think I have time to write today, I don’t know what to write about, I might have to skip today, I don’t want to do a lame blog post…”  etc. etc.  then I probably would have come up with an excuse not to do it.  Excuses are great for getting you sucked into an unproductive morphic field.

Instead, my repetitive thoughts go something like this, “I said I would do it, I have to do it, I will do it, if I sit at my computer something will start flowing through me that I can share, I will just do it.  I think I will get started and do it now, then it will be done.”

Voila!  Here we are.

Do What You Say You Are Going to Do

Do What You Say You Are Going to Do

Something else I have to share…….

I wrote this whole blog post out, even with my time constraints, and LOST IT.  The whole thing except for the very beginning of it!   This is my second time writing this post.  The first time, even though I save my posts every minute or two, it freakin disappeared on me!

I cannot remember exactly what the original of the post said verbatim, but I did have a paragraph in there saying that perhaps being in the hospital, or my computer breaking or some other emergency might keep me from writing today could come up, but that I have a thing about the energy of keeping my commitments so it would take something HUGE to keep me from writing a blog post and sharing with you.

Then BAM!!!  The whole thing was gone!  All that time and me being strapped for time, and IT WAS GONE!  I had to re-write!

Good thing I made that commitment and that I know how energy works, or I’d have given up after that.

Now that you also know how the energy works, are you going to be doing anything differently in your life to ensure that you stay ‘on a roll’ in the direction that you would like to see your life go?


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