Just a quick blog post today, but I would like to share a couple of really good books with you.

The first book is “You Can Heal Your Life” by Louise Hay.  I am sure I reference this book at least once per week.  Louise Hay shares some very good insights into the relationship between your thoughts/feelings and your physical health.

At the end of the book there is a reference area where you can look up a health issue or body part and get a description of the feeling that goes with it.  She also provides an affirmation you can use to help alleviate your symptom or issue.

Grateful for these Wonderful Women Sharing these Healing Books

Grateful for these Wonderful Women Sharing these Healing Books

Here is an example from the back of “You Can Heal Your Life“.  If you had pain in your left foot that would not go away, you could look up “foot” and also “left side of the body”.  You could look up:

Foot Problems:  Fear of the future and of not stepping forward in life.
The affirmation for this is:  “I move forward in life, with joy and with ease“.

Left Side of Body:  Represents receptivity, taking in, feminine energy, women, the mother.
The affirmation for this is:  “My feminine energy is beautifully balanced


The other book that I just love is by Christine Northrup and is “Women’s Bodies, Women’s Wisdom (Revised Edition): Creating Physical and Emotional Health and Healing“.  I like this book so much that after I bought myself a copy, I bought 3 more copies for some special women in my life.  It is a very thick book and I have not read it cover to cover I use is more as a reference manual.  My mom however, read the whole thing cover to cover and she loved it too.  Sometimes if I bring up a health issue she will tell me where to look in the book or share what she learned from the book.  If you are a woman, it could go on your “must read” list.

If you do online shopping and would like to check out a website mall that will give you Cash back for your online shopping, you can check out this link here.  You can earn $10 when you sign up, and put it towards the purchase of the books through the shopping mall.  Signing up is free.



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