This means you.  What are you waiting for?  It is time for you to embrace your authentic self.  You are so much more than this physical body and you know it.

It is time for you to come out of the spiritual closet and BE who you are.  After the Spring Solstice/Equinox and our Super New Moon, and Solar Eclipse everything has changed energetically.  With every astrological shift you are getting more aware of who you really are and why you are really here. Many of you have heard these energy shifts called “Ascension”.

This doesn’t mean that you will go from zero to “all knowing”, but it absolutely will mean that you can see and feel more than you did before.  It is all relative to where you were.

I know most of you reading this can feel it.  Some of you might be confused about what your next step might be.  Your FIRST step needs to be embracing your Authentic Self.  Some people aren’t going to understand you once you embrace this, but its okay.  Those people who are meant to be in your life and stay in your life, or (best yet), come into your life, will.

you are a lightworker

The Council of 12

One of my personl shifts is the energy of my council.  They have been with me for as long as I can remember.  I see them all standing there when I do my meditations.  They almost look like a choir (lol).  I call them my council because I haven’t yet asked them for a specific name.  They don’t really call themselves anything.  Maybe sometime soon they will tell me something that I can call them.  They aren’t really “my” anything.  They are a collective of 12 beings that are here to help us all.

They often take over or give input when I am writing.  They have been there a long time, and they have helped me out a lot over the years.  They have also helped many of you over the years if you have had a psychic reading done by me or if you have been reading my blog.

I am just feeling them very differently now.  When I am sitting to write now I feel serious tingling in my upper back.  A lot of the time when I start writing it is coming out more as a channel.  This is a little hard to explain, as a lot of my writing over the years has been more channeled information than just ‘me’ (as opposed to coming from me, it comes through me ~ aka. inspiration).

Some of my messages are ‘different’ now though.  Some of the words coming out are coming out referencing “WE” more often.  “WE” being the council.  The more I connect with and channel my council, the more I am feeling like I am not from here.  So much of the information I am getting is the need for humanity to ‘get it together’.

I have always been happy that I can help you blend the Spiritual with the Physical in the way I do.  I don’t think that talking to my council is going to change that a whole bunch.  I won’t get all woo woo on you all the time, (although I might sometimes).  We do live here and we do need to function within the confines of the earth reality/human form.

I will continue to share ways that make your life here easier for you.

Are you ready to show your authentic self?

Yesterday, the first card of the Angel Card Reading of the week was Courage.  I think that card really applies here.  You will need to have the courage to let go of some of your ego and share yourself.  Share your gifts.  Share the wonderful human and soul that you are.

Courage to love, courage to share, courage to be who you are.



If I can help in any way, please feel free to contact me for a psychic reading.


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