Okay, I have been feeling this for a few days, more noticeable this morning so I need to share it with you.  I thought it would pass with the Full Moon Eclipse yesterday, but we aren’t quite free and clear of these energies yet.

So here’s the scoop.  There WON’T be a storm for everyone.  There are actually quite a few of you who did some decent clearing and defining what needs to go during the full moon energies and some of you might even be feeling extra love this morning.

The intensity is coming from the separation between those who have been refusing to look at what needs to go and those that are consciously creating.  For those that don’t want to look at their thoughts (energy, patterns, subconscious beliefs etc.) it is boiling under the surface.  Whether its anger, frustration, worry, whatever, they have been brewing it.  If you don’t acknowledge what is REALLY bugging you, you are extremely likely to ‘go off’ on someone you care about.

This is a HUGE transition we have been going through on our planet ~ its coming to a head.  Its unfortunate (or not, who am I to judge), but we are going to start to see a much bigger separation on our planet over the next while.  The happy people and the angry people ~ this is super duper ultra simplified, I may get into it further in a later post.

your attitude is your umbrella

Its like there’s a segment of the population that is embracing this shift, taking personal responsibility, learning that they are creators, and are doing all they can to work with their higher selves to embrace all these changes.

Then there’s another segment, that refuses to see anything differently, refuses to let go of any old programming.  Won’t acknowledge that they have anything to do with their creations, blame others for their lousy existence etc.  These people are getting more and more uncomfortable.  They are worried and fretting and as they go through their day they are staying on auto-pilot (my phrase for acting/behaving all from subconscious and ego rather than practicing awareness).  They are very uncomfortable but they don’t even know why.

These are the ones that are getting ready to blow (or storm).

So, here is what you can do to weather this storm

First off, realize that this storm might not happen for you depending on where you are vibrating and what you have going on in your own life.  You may be perfectly happy today, don’t let this alert get you down.  If this is you, if all is well, ignore this post.

Secondly.  Take responsibility for your own vibration.  You are a co-creator in your life and the people in your life are players in your own game.  Take a look at this post from the other day if you are inclined.

Thirdly.  If you are the one that is feeling the negative (frustrated, worried etc.) emotions, acknowledge them.  Take a good look at your thoughts.  See them for what they are.  Ask yourself if they are even really true for you right now.  If you think your kids are frustrating you, be aware of what you are really thinking, is it them, or is it some other issue (your marriage, job…), or is it something from your childhood, or your beliefs about how things should have been.  BE AWARE.  Don’t rip someone’s head off that doesn’t deserve it.

Fourth.  If you are okay, continue to be okay.  Keep focusing on the positive aspects of your life and your loved ones.  Write a list of all you are grateful for in your life.  Keep that positive momentum going.  If you put your focus on these positive things in your life the chances of the storm passing without hitting you AT ALL are tremendous.

Once again, if you are in a good space today, run with it, embrace it, and have fun with it.

This post is just for those of you that might be feeling like something is a little ‘off’ today.

I personally feel pretty good, but I am really feeling the energies of the planet and I know a lot of you reading this are also sensitive.  Just be aware of what’s up so you don’t think there’s something wrong in your own personal energy field.  If you are clear and happy, any discomfort is likely coming from elsewhere.

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