Last month, a friend who is an empath, asked me about how she might create more empathic resiliency, and learn how to better transmute others’ energies instead of simply absorbing it. She was tired of feeling like she needed to protect herself every time she was going out or spending time with other people. My response to her: STOP ABSORBING!!!

Discovering that you have psychic abilities is a lot like receiving a diagnosis, once we realized empathy is a superpower we want to be super-powered, and we can end up “over using” it. Then we get so focused on protecting ourselves we actually need more protection. Spending all that time focusing on blocking out unwanted stuff gets exhausting pretty quickly. With the result being that we start avoiding people, social situations, or more populated places.

You Are More Powerful Than You Think! And Not In The Way That You Think

It’s About Boundaries

It is far more empowering to know you don’t need to constantly ask for protection, because you are protected. It is about boundaries. Learn to energetically say, “Back off”, instead of absorbing other people’s energy that you don’t want. And focus more on staying in your own energy: Is What You Are Feeling Yours?

a) No? Stay in your own energy, so that you’re not blown about by everyone else’s energy.

b) Yes? Acknowledge your feelings, feel them, and do something that feels better – have a cry if you need to release a bit, take a nap, do some yoga, journal, do some simple breathwork, think a thought that feels better…

The more grounded we are, living, doing and being from our heart center, and connected to our Source, the less we will absorb energies that do not match our own. When needed, try saying this to yourself: “Beloved, I am presence, surround me and protect me from every outer vibration.” Or, go to your heart center. Strengthen your heart/love energy by focusing on it: how good and warm and full and light it feels ~ think and feel thoughts that feel good and true to you in that moment. Have your heart energy get bigger and bigger and BIGGER until it surrounds your whole body from head to toe and outward about 2-3 feet around your body.

Keeping Your Presence Strong

It is essential if you are an empath or highly sensitive person, for you to ground your energy to support keeping your own presence strong. Here’s how you can ground your energy in Mother Earth*:

  1. Breathe very deeply and slowly from your diaphragm for 11 breaths (about 1 minute). As you inhale, see yourself breathing in fresh, new, life-giving oxygen. Visualize the white light and life-force entering your body and giving you life, sustaining your life, renewing your life…

  2. As you exhale, see yourself breathing out any negative or old energy or feelings. Imagine blowing out from your mouth thick, curling, black smoke.

  3. With each new breath, bring your awareness to each part of your body. Start with your feet, become aware of your legs, knees, thighs, hips, torso, upper body, shoulders, arms, hands, neck and head. If you feel blocks, resistance or heaviness in any of these areas, blow them out and release them in the exhaling black smoke.

  4. Return to your normal breathing and yourself. Now bring your awareness back to your body starting with your feet. Imagine your feet rooted to the earth, there are roots coming out of your toes and soles of your feet. Visualize the roots go deep, deep, deep down into Mother Earth.

  5. Wrap your roots around a rock deep within the earth. Welcome Gaia, Mother Earth, Earth Spirit Energy into your energetic field. Send her love and ask to use some of her energy to ground yourself. Thank her.

  6. Imagine a warm, golden white light coming up through the roots in your feet. Feel the warm light travel up your roots, spreading to your feet, your shins, thighs, hips, through your torso and hands, up your arms, across your shoulders, up your neck, filling your head, and pouring out of the crown of your head to envelope your whole body in warm, glowing, golden white light.

  7. Hold this feeling of being blanketed inside and out in this warm, loving, pure white light energy. This pure white light energy a part of you. From your belly, breathe deeply into this light energy for at least 3 breaths. Safely and rooted in Mother Earth like a tree, this light and energy supports grounding you in your own energy.

  8. Now that you have brought in all that loving energy and light, Thank Mother Earth. You are grounded.

Connect To Source

Once you have grounded your energy in Mother Earth, you will want to connect to your Source* via your crown chakra. Connecting to your Source through your crown chakra is like open a channel, a direct line to your full power. The more connected to Source we are, the more inner peace, ease and flow is present on our human journey.

Much Love!

*See also my ebook The Magic of Easy Energy Work to learn more of the basics of grounding your energy, connecting to your Source, cleansing your aura, and understanding and activating your 7 major energy centers.

Needing A Chakra Reactivation? Or To Clear Old Energies, Blocks, and Attachments?
A long-distance, 21-Day Energy Clearing and Healing Session supports your energy’s expansion and healing giving you a boost in any aspect of your life. NEXT SESSION: DECEMBER 2023

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