Many of you are seeing repetitive numbers… all the time! You look at the clock and it says 11:11, or 1:11, or you see license plates with 111. 11’s are everywhere you look!

What does this 11:11 phenomenon mean?

The first thing I want to say about it, is that it is a positive thing!

Why do I keep seeing 11:11 all over the place

Why do I keep seeing 11:11 all over the place


Our Guides and Teachers, and our own Higher Selves are always communicating with us. Sometimes it just takes us a while before we will actually listen. As our planet changes its vibration we humans are also changing our vibrations. We are vibrating higher and higher all the time. This is one step in the ascension process. You are seeing numbers because you are starting to vibrate higher and are able to hear better.

One of the ways our ‘peeps’ communicate with us is to telepathically ‘whisper’ in our ears. It is often this whisper that draws our attention to the clock, (or the other place where the number may be). They do this all the time, have been doing it all along, you are just now ready to listen.

When you see 11’s repeating in your life, stop for a moment and take notice of where your mind was. What were you thinking about?

1 is the beginning. When you see repetitive 111’s remember that you are in the process of creating your life with your thoughts. Seeing the 11’s is a wonderful opportunity to bring your focus back onto what you want.

When you see 11’s simply become more aware of what it was you were thinking about. From there, either keep thinking how you were thinking if you were thinking about what you want, or bring your thoughts back to a positive place. Know, that when you see 11’s it is Spirit communicating with you.

Other Repeating Numbers:

2’s – When you see 2’s remember that spirit is with you and here to help, ask for what you need.
3’s – When you see 3’s remember that there are Ascended Masters around you, you may ask them for help.
4’s – With 4’s remember that you have Angels around you, thousands of them helping you on your path.
5’s – 5’s often signify positive changes for you.
6’s – 6 is the number of Man. Sometimes with 6’s I find it means that you are getting a little bit too caught up in the worries of the material world. Reconnect with your Higher Self, and know that your material needs are taken care of.
7’s – when you see 7’s it is usually a sign that your thoughts are in alignment with what you want.
8’s – money and abundance are yours or on the way
9’s – I find that 9’s are a completion number and it is time to get to work completing things so you can start on new things.

This is a very basic overview of repetitive numbers and what they mean based on information I have received.

Doreen Virture has written a couple of books on the subject if you would like to know more.


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