There are synchronicities everywhere, all you need to do is acknowledge them.  If it is a true synchronicity you don’t have to really look for them, all you need to do is practice awareness and you will begin to see more and more of them everywhere.

My guides have told me that most of the time the synchronicities are more than mere coincidence; more often than not they are messages from Spirit.  Your loved ones, angels, teachers and guides are always trying to help you in a non-obtrusive way.  They won’t force you into anything, but they will often gently push by showing you synchronicities as a way for you to begin to listen to your intuition.

Some synchronicities come about because when we were in Soul form, we planned our lives, and allowed for the opportunity of synchronistic events to help show us when we were on the correct path(or easiest path, rarely are we on the wrong path, some are just harder than others).

When you dismiss synchronicities as they come, you end up seeing less and less of them.  There are some that are really hard to ignore though.  Such as seeing repetitive numbers (11:11), or names; especially if it is your own name.


Why do I keep seeing 11:11 all over the place


The most common reason you see, or hear, or meet people with, your own name over and over

I asked this question of my guides and they were more than happy to give me an answer to share with you.  This phenomenon is getting more and more common for many of you and it is generally good news.  One of the reasons it is appearing to more of you is because of the planetary and dimensional shifts we have all been collectively going through.

If you keep seeing your name when you rarely ever saw it before chances are you have been going though a bit of a rough patch, or through some very big changes.  Things have probably been very up and down and all around for you.  Like a roller coaster or merry-go-round.  You feel okay a lot of the time, but stuff just keeps cropping up for you.  You’ve been working on releasing old stuff that doesn’t work for you so that these recurring themes that had plagued you will stop and you can move on.

Seeing your own name over and over is a sign that you are on the right path and that things will be getting more and more comfortable for you.

A lot of you who are seeing your own name are light-workers yourselves.  You already know you are slightly different, but up till now you may have thought it was not safe to ‘be yourself’.  Maybe you have been afraid to acknowledge to yourself, or to others, how you really feel.  You may feel a ‘disconnect’ from some of these worldly ‘problems’ that seem to have other people all upset.  You know to the core of your being that large parts of what you see and hear out there are illusions.  You know things can be better for our planet, whether you know precisely what that would look like or not.

you are a lightworker

Think of being “comfortable in your own skin” or with who you are ~ your name.

If you landed on this page because you Googled “why do i keep seeing my name everywhere“, I hope this has helped you understand that you are doing okay, you will continue to be doing okay, and to keep loving yourself, and embracing all of who you really are to the core of your being.

With much love




If you need someone to help you look at your life from a fresh perspective and help you navigate changes in your life, to see if the changes you are considering are supported by Spirit, a psychic reading can help. You can contact me here.

If you want to hear what others have said about their readings you can check that out on my Psychic Reading Testimonial/Review page.

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