This stress relief tool is the fastest and easiest way to relieve stress, anxiety, anger, depression, fear and resentment.  It doesn’t stop there, any emotion that you are having that is causing you discomfort can be relieved almost instantly, just by doing one thing.

Go to your Heart (Chakra)

Yes, that is it.  Go to your heart.  Almost any emotion that we as humans have is created in and by our minds.  The trick is to get out of our minds and release our thoughts.  If you can do that you can have relief.

Meditation will do this for you.  So many of you never bother to even try to meditate more than once though.  You may try it, find yourself thinking, and then say “I can’t meditate, I tried it (once)”.  If you want to learn how to meditate and clear energies and get out of your head so much, you could read my book, The Magic of Easy Energy Work;


You could just go to your heart.

Guaranteed to Work Instantly

Guaranteed to Work Instantly

4 Steps to go to your heart and rid yourself of stress instantly

1.  Close your eyes for a moment (you don’t have to, but it helps remove distractions).

2.  Take at least one super deep breath; a few are better, but one is enough if you are in a hurry.  Think about it though, it is a requirement that you breathe, doing it deeply for a bit certainly won’t hurt.  I can’t see it making you late for your next appointment.

3.  Bring your attention to your chest area.  In particular, your sternum.

4.  Say to yourself “Love”.

You are done.  You are “In your heart”.  How long you chose to stay there is up to you.  The longer you stay there, the calmer and better you will feel.  However, I guarantee, that as long as you are there, you will not be stressed, depressed, or feeling any other discomfort.

If you have any discomfort or stress, you have left your heart, and gone into your head.

This may seem so simple, but that is because it is.  If you could do this every time you felt uncomfortable over the next 3 weeks, it would become a habit.  Once it was a habit, you would be ‘in your heart’ a lot of the time.

We are humans and very few of us are there all the time, but with practice, you can get to the point where you feel good most of the time.  And if you don’t feel good you will know why, and you will make it a priority to go back to your heart.

So easy, imagine if we all did this?  What our world would be like!  Just wow.

It can start with you!

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