I wanted to share a bit of energy with you today because things are finally starting to move a little bit for us.  The last week or two have been quite overwhelming to say the least, we have been going through some very powerful transformations.  This is all related to the ascension of our planet, and of you and your own personal ascension.

The asteroid Chiron began moving retrograde (backwards) relative to earth in June and it may feel like all you have been doing for the last 5 months is releasing all your old ‘stuff’.  Chiron is starting to move direct this weekend (it has started now) and you may feel freer today.

Many of you are being asked to step out of your comfort zones now as well.  What is it you want for your life?  Its time to let go of all the past and your old belief systems and live your life.  We may see some more intensity over the next few weeks, but be patient and go with the flow.  Try and find some balance for yourself.  You are okay, you will be okay, tend to your own energy, don’t judge other people or situations too harshly and you will get through it. (I am offering a 21 Day Remote Energy Clearing/Healing if you would like some help with this starting December 11 on the New Moon).

If you are feeling as if you are being judged too harshly, try not to take it personally, the energy is like that right now.  It will be important for you to stay in your own energy, listen to your own inner guidance and do what is right for you.  This will assist you in doing what you came here to do.  It will be helpful if you go to your heart centre frequently ~ love and healing is there for you.

I know that I am being prompted to do more, to share more, to spread more love and light to more souls.

I have many people (and angels and ascended masters and a council), that I channel from other dimensions (the other side if you will).  A lot of times people ask me who is it that I am talking to.  Really at any given moment I am ‘talking to’ any number of souls.  For ease of explanation, I asked them what I should call them as a collective ~ just to make it easier for both you and I to call them by name.

The name they gave me was SAM.  I must say, that when I asked “what shall I call you”, and they said “Sam” back to me, I thought that was a strange name, kind of short and informal.  I asked if it was an acronym for something, and all they said was “I am Sam”, so there we have it.  Who do I talk to?  I talk to a group of souls who go by the name of Sam.

I have a lot of things in the works for sharing with you.  I know I was writing a blog post every day for you and I really am trying to fit in more time for writing but my projects are taking up a lot of my time right now.  I will continue to write and share with you as I am directed to though, I am not one to make excuses for not doing something when my higher self (and SAM) is pushing me to do it.  I have so much I want to share and express to you, and for you.

My first new offering to you is a 21 Day Remote Energy Clearing/Healing.  It is my hope that many of you will be able to join in and feel the energy transformation that is offered.


If you need someone to help you look at your life from a fresh perspective and help you navigate changes in your life, to see if the changes you are considering are supported by Spirit, a psychic reading can help. You can contact me here.

If you want to hear what others have said about their readings you can check that out on my Psychic Reading Testimonial/Review page.

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