One of the best ways to get more of what you want is to practice gratitude.  Do you practice gratitude?

If you have a tendency to EVER say “I am grateful, but….”  Then sorry, you aren’t practicing gratitude.  Just adding the word but in there negates the “I am grateful”.

Its a shame really because so many of you think you are practicing gratitude, you think a cursory glance at, or attention to things you are grateful for is enough.  I’m sorry, its not enough.  I have another question for you here.  What if adding that “but”, is what is keeping whatever follows “but” from coming your way?

Grateful people are grateful.  That’s all there is too it.  There are no ‘buts’.  If you are grateful but, then you are not grateful enough to get more of what you want.  You are broke, or lonely, or sad, or in a crappy house, or debt ridden, or working a crappy job, or ….. fill in the blank.  Whatever you put after that word BUT is what you are living and what you get to see over and over.


The good news is now you know.  Start practicing REAL gratitude.  Think about all the things in your life you are grateful for.  Your family?  Friends? Roof over your head?  Job?  Health?  Pick something, we all have something to be grateful for.

Better yet, pick many something’s and write them down!  Do it every day.  Do it a couple times a day.  Don’t think ‘but’.  What you focus on expands and the more you focus on gratitude, the more you will have to be grateful for.  The more you focus on whatever your “but” is, the more you will have of that ~ SO FORGET IT, move on!

Start right this minute, there’s a reason you are reading this, write your list of things you are grateful for right now.



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