What My Mom Taught Me About Relationships

Why would you want to be with someone who does not want you?

You want a relationship so badly yet you go after someone who doesn’t want to be with you.

Even if you manage to “catch ” them do you really believe that they will make you happy?

There are 7 billion people on this planet – do not settle for someone who is unable to fully BE with you.

It makes no sense.

People are not possessions.  A relationship is not something you win.  A relationship is something you share.  A relationship is a relationship between TWO people.  It is not one person chasing another.  It is not one person feeling okay and the other feeling badly.  It is not one person manipulating and one being manipulated.  That is not healthy ~ and it is NOT a loving relationship.

Even if you do manage to “catch” them and pin them down, you end up being afraid they will leave, or jealous of their friendships.  That is no way to live.

Love Yourself

I so often get the question, “how can I get them back”; or even “what are they thinking?”

If they are not with you the answer is rarely going to be one you want to hear.  If they were thinking of you and pining for you and wanting to be with you, they would be with you.  People do not stay away from people that they want to be with.

You ask because “what if we are supposed to be together”?   If you were supposed to be you would be.

You are a perfect child of God.  You don’t need anyone to complete you.  And you certainly don’t deserve to have to be chasing someone who doesn’t want to be with you.

Stop chasing dreams of what you ‘think’ things might be like with them.  Things are NOT LIKE THAT with them.  Your upset and your tears prove that.  You deserve BETTER.  Stop glorifying who they are or what they represent to you.  Snap out of it.  It is your thoughts of ‘what could be’ that are upsetting you even more than the thoughts of ‘what is’.  “What is”, seriously sucks.

They may have left or never showed up, or just made other choices, but it is YOU that is upsetting yourself.  If they are not in your life and are living their own life, then it is up to you to do the same.  If you DECIDE not to do the same, then it is YOU, not THEM that is hurting you.  They hurt you once, you are hurting you over and over again.



If you need someone to help you look at your life from a fresh perspective and help you navigate changes in your life, to see if the changes you are considering are supported by Spirit, a psychic reading can help. You can contact me here.

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