The power of prayer.  I am sure you have heard of this before.  Prayer really does work.  Groups of people can pray over a sick person, or on a certain situation and it has been proven that there are changes with the power of prayer.

We live in a quantum world.  Thoughts are things.  Thoughts are energy.  There are God (Source/Universe), Angels, our guides and our teachers and helpers that live in another dimension (a lot of you call this the other side).  These energies are real too.  As real as we are in our energetic forms.

These higher (not really higher, just elsewhere), energies can help us sometimes.  Thing is, we have to ask them for help.  They won’t normally just step in and tell you what to do, or change your life for you (there are exceptions, but they are rare).

When we do energy work, we are channeling our own energies towards something.  Whether it be physical healing, emotional healing, some movement in our physical life, or something else.  We are using the power of our thoughts, which are really energy, to try to create an outcome.  Think of “manifesting”, or the Law of Attraction.  We use this energy and these thought forms to create our lives.

Law of Attraction Works

With prayer, we take it a step further though.  We do the ‘energy work’ with our thoughts, and then we let go.  We ask God and the Angels for help, but we surrender the outcome.  Most of you pray after everything else has failed and you don’t know what to do.  Some of you, pray when things are going well ~ this is practicing gratitude, and it also produces positive results, as a matter of fact, Gratitude Creates Miracles.

That is why it appears like prayer is energy work on steroids, it is the Law of Attraction at work.  Because when you get to the point of praying, you are no longer dictating exactly what you want to see.  You have given up.  You set your intention, and then you let go and let God.  It is your surrender, and letting the energy take its course is what makes prayer work so well.

If you do energy work improperly, and “try” and use the Law of Attraction (trying rarely works), you put more focus onto what is and you hang on really tight to your idea of what should be.  You cannot get out of your discomfort of what is, so you focus more on your discomfort and you create more of it.  All the while thinking you are focusing on creating differently.

When you pray and let go, you stop focusing on what is in the way you were before.  You have lost faith in your ability to create, and you allow ~ you allow God, Angels, Ascended Masters, helpers, and ENERGY ITSELF to go to work on resolving a situation.

It is not that prayer is so much more powerful than intention.  It is that when you set your intention, you don’t let go.  When you pray you let go of outcomes.

This is what “Let go let God” really means.


If you need someone to help you look at your life from a fresh perspective and help you navigate changes in your life, to see if the changes you are considering are supported by Spirit, a psychic reading can help. You can contact me here.

If you want to hear what others have said about their readings you can check that out on my Psychic Reading Testimonial/Review page.

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