Okay, so this is partly an energy alert post, and partly just a post on letting go.

There are so many people that are seriously pissed off right now.  They are wearing their anger for all to see.  They are getting sick, they are having accidents, and they are creating more and more reasons to be angry.

Here is what is happening in our world…

  • The energy of planet earth is changing
  • We have been getting told for years that we need to release stuff that is no longer serving us
  • Some people just don’t get it.  They are hanging on to old crap and resentments and are getting madder and madder at the state of their life.   They are pretty fed up, they just aren’t fed up enough to change anything
  • Many are exerting their anger outward (as force) ~ if only you knew how powerful you really are and that you don’t even need force, YOU HAVE THE POWER to change and create anything you want.
  • There are many of you that are actually making yourself sick with your resentments and anger (fibromyalgia anyone?)

create reality

How to ‘get over it’

Take 100% responsibility for yourself and your life.  There may be injustices in your life and your world, but you will not be able to do anything about any of it if you don’t take back your personal power (NOT force remember), and create something different.

Your spouse is NOT going to change.  Sorry, they simply won’t.  Neither will your boss or your neighbour.  You are going need to be the one to change.  If you change, the people and circumstances that show up in your life will change.

I’ve written about this before recently, but I’ve had a number of clients over the past week or so that are so hopping mad when they show up here that I had to address it again.

My more sensitive clients are actually turning it more inward and are having anxiety attacks.

None of this really works.  All that works is empowering yourself.  Take a good look at your life.  You don’t even need to run away from anything or anyone (you’d still be taking you and your energy with you into the next situation).

You simply need to change your energy (which begins by changing your thoughts).  Once you change your energy the things you see around you will change.  Whether people leave, or your job changes, or you start to make different decisions ~ things WILL change.  If your energy changes nothing can stay the same.

I know a lot of you that are reading this aren’t feeling any anger at all.  That’s a good thing.  I’m not angry either.  This post is meant to help those of you with anger or anxiety get past it, and those of you who feel good to be more understanding of those who are having a hard time right now.

If you are one of the ones who is suffering right now, look at what you need to release.  Any dark corners of your energy space need to be cleared out.

If you are one of the ones who is feeling good right now, spread your love around far and wide, there are many who need your love and positive energy right now.

With Love




If you need someone to help you look at your life from a fresh perspective and help you navigate changes in your life, to see if the changes you are considering are supported by Spirit, a psychic reading can help. You can contact me here.

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