what is love

The words “I love you” should never mean, “I don’t love myself”.

It doesn’t matter how much love you give to or share with another, it should never take away from the love you give yourself.

You can love someone else without disrespecting yourself.

If anyone ever asks you to do something that makes you uncomfortable, or that puts you yourself at risk, or takes away from who you are inside, that is not love.

“If you loved me you would….”

That’s a bunch of hooey.  You can love someone without doing something, being something, or feeling something that you would rather not.  Loving someone does not require you to endanger yourself, physically, emotionally or spiritually.

Anytime you ask someone to do something uncomfortable for them, that is not love.  Anytime someone asks you to do something uncomfortable for you, that is not love either.

(I am not talking about asking your spouse to vacuum, yes vacuuming can be uncomfortable, but that’s not the kind of discomfort I am talking about.)

Love is love.  Love is accepting.  Love is allowing ~ allowing someone to be all of themselves.  Not just who you want someone to be.

If you truly love someone, you want them to be happy.  Period.

Not just for them to be happy if it makes you happy.  That is not fair, to them, or to you.

In relationships we are meant to grow together, not to stunt the growth of someone else.  To love is to love, fully, completely without conditions.  Let no one stunt your growth and do not stunt the growth of others.

If you love yourself enough you won’t need to control anyone else, and you won’t feel the need to let anyone control you.





If you need someone to help you look at your life from a fresh perspective and help you navigate changes in your life, to see if the changes you are considering are supported by Spirit, a psychic reading can help. You can contact me here.

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