Here is your free Angel Card Reading for this week, November 2-8, 2015

Weekly Angel Card Reading

Overview of the energy for the week:

Abundance!  Things look very good; have patience at this time.  Make long-term plans.

Congratulations, this is your golden time of celebration and success!  However, its not the moment to rest yet.  You need to keep going with the next project.  So, step back and review all that you’ve done and then create a blueprint for the future.  You need to look at things with an eye to the long term.  You probably feel good about how far you’ve come, but no resting on your laurels!  Its’ important to keep the fire of enthusiasm burning for the heights you might still attain.

Patience may be required while you await results from your previous decisions.  Use this time to explore the possibilities for how to promote your business or talents.


For the beginning of the week your Angel Card is:


Archangel Raguel

Archangel Raguel


Clairsentience Archangel Raguel:  “notice your recurring physical and emotional feelings, as they signify Divine Guidance.”

“Please honor your feelings.  Don’t be afraid of deep emotions or intense feelings.  I can help you distinguish between your own feelings and those of others.  I’ll also help you clear any energies you may absorb.  I’ll guide you toward people, situations and places with clear and loving energy.  Your repetitive emotions and physical feelings provide important information, so pleas notice and follow these feelings.  They’re answers to your prayers.  Ask me to help translate confusing messages to that you’ll clearly know which steps to take.”

Your Angel Card for the Middle of this Week is:

Archangel Zadkiel

Archangel Zadkiel

Clairaudience ~ Archangel Zadkiel:  “Notice the loving guidance you have inside your mind, or from other people.”

“You’re hearing true Divine guidance very clearly.  It comes in the form of repetitious messages, urging you to improve a situation for yourself or others.  Pay close attention to everything you hear in your mind and with your physical ears.  Divine directives are repetitious, loving, and to the point.  Ask me for help if you need clarification on anything you hear.”


For the End of the week your Angel Card is:

Archangel Chamuel

Archangel Chamuel


Career Transition ~ Archangel Chamuel:  “Your life purpose is triggering a blessed career change.”

“You’ve prayed for help with your career, and it’s now occurring.  Sometimes change is perceived as stressful, yet I’m helping to clear the old from your life to make way for the new.  Pay close attention to your repetitive ideas, dreams and visions, as these are Divinely inspired roadmaps pointing the way along your desired path.  You may not see the entire road (or where it’s leading), but each step will be lit along the way.”

If you need someone to help you look at your life from a fresh perspective and help you navigate changes in your life, to see if the changes you are considering are supported by Spirit, a psychic reading can help. You can contact me here.

If you want to hear what others have said about their readings you can check that out on my Psychic Reading Testimonial/Review page.

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