Here is your free Angel Card Reading for this week, January 4-10, 2016


Overview of the energy for the week:

Knight of Water
Knight of Water:  Deep emotions arising from situations or relationships imopact your life.  Falling in love or a wedding proposal is possible.  You (or someone close to you) need to balance your emotions, lest you become overwhelmed. You may receive invitations to parties or other social opportunities.

People represented by Knight of Water:  An extremely emotional person who’s driven by a love of romance, art and beauty.  Someone who is charming, contemplative, and idealistic.  Sensitive.  Romantic.  Imaginative. Enthusiastic.  Refined.  Moody.


For the beginning of the week your Angel Card is:

free angel card reading

Archangel Jeremiel

All is Well ~ Archangel Jeremiel:  Everything’s happening exactly as its supposed to, with hidden blessing you’ll soon understand.

“Sometimes, what appears to be a problem is actually an answered prayer in disguise.  When we ask for help, Heaven may dismantle the old to make room for the new.  During this time of change, practice relaxation methods such as yoga, deep breathing, exercise, and meditation.  Ask me to make your transition smooth and harmonious for everyone involved.  And know that this change is for the better!”

Your Angel Card for the Middle of this Week is:

Archangel Sandalphon

Archangel Sandalphon

GentlenessArchangel Sandalphon: “Be very gentle with yourself at this time. Surround yourself with gentle people, situations, and environments”.

“Sandalphon wishes to help you feel peaceful and centred, and he strongly advises that you begin by listening to gentle music. Play it wherever you go. Talk quietly and engage in slow, rhythmic movements suck as swaying to music or a gentle yoga session. Don’t engage in battles at this time. Instead, retreat from conflict while you revive your spirit an become even stronger. Delay decisions making at this time. You’ll know exactly what to do when you emerge from your gentle retreat.

For the End of the week your Angel Card is:

free angel card reading July 2015

Archangel Raphael


Breathe – Archangel Raphael:  “Take several deep breaths, and exhale slowly to awaken your energy and to release old patterns”.

“Often during times of stress, you may unconsciously hold your breathe.  Yet, as you know, breath is essential to oxygenating your mind, body, spirit and very life.  Write a note to yourself to breathe, as a reminder of the importance of invigorating yourself with deep and steady beaths.  Make trips to places where fresh air is plentiful.  You’ll also notice an increase in ari quality when you’r near water, such as the beach or a lake.  Even taking a shower or bath puts you in touch with the positive ions associated with water and air.”



If you need someone to help you look at your life from a fresh perspective and help you navigate changes in your life, to see if the changes you are considering are supported by Spirit, a psychic reading can help. You can contact me here.

If you want to hear what others have said about their readings you can check that out on my Psychic Reading Testimonial/Review page.

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