I love getting messages from Spirit.  A lot of us have been seeing butterflies and dragon flies over the past few days.  Now, this isn’t necessarily a strange thing in August, however, when they are not something you see normally or they are right in your face, then maybe its time to take note.

I had a dragon fly buzz right into my face yesterday when I was sitting inside on my porch.  The door was open, but other than that the porch is enclosed.  The other day, I was walking out to my yard and a butterfly followed me.  As soon as I stepped out the door, he was right there in my face.  He flew around my head and followed me across the porch, down the stairs and right out to my chair (which is quite a way from my back porch).

I’ve been hearing stories from a lot of you as well and you are also seeing these beautiful creatures.

why do i keep seeing dragonflys

What does it mean to see a dragonfly?

  • Adaptability
  • Connection with elementals (fairies, sprites)
  • Change and transformation
  • Evolution
  • Be inspired to bring changes in your own life
  • May be time to dive deeper into your feelings, connection with source
  • Time to change

why do i keep seeing butterflies

What does it mean to see a butterfly?

  • Movement through cycles in (or of) life
  • Big metamorphosis in your life, transformation
  • Raising up from earthly matters, turning to emotional and spiritual pursuits
  • Finding joy in life; lightness of being
  • The transformations that you may be going through when seeing a butterfly are often more internal than external.  “Personal Transformation”


It really is no coincidence that they are coming to us right now.  We are in times of great transformation on earth, and within ourselves.  They are here to remind us that all is well, but that things will be looking very different in our lives.

Allow for the transformation, let go, connect with Nature, and with your Higher Self.  Listen to your intuition and your higher self and trust that all will be okay.

Mother earth and those of us that live on her are being called to change.  Our DNA is being upgraded, we are ascending to higher dimensions.  You very well may find that your own intuitive gifts start to show up more reliably for you.  Trust your inner guidance.



If you need someone to help you look at your life from a fresh perspective and help you navigate changes in your life, to see if the changes you are considering are supported by Spirit, a psychic reading can help. You can contact me here.

If you want to hear what others have said about their readings you can check that out on my Psychic Reading Testimonial/Review page.

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