Okay, so yesterday I blogged about butterflies and dragonflies because they were both right in my face and a few clients had been experiencing the same thing.

Today, its crickets!  I don’t normally have a lot of crickets around my house, don’t know why, its not like they are rare in my city, I just never hear them.  If I go for a walk at the river near my house after dark sometimes I hear them, but almost never right around here.

Yesterday as I was just about to publish my post, during the afternoon so totally in daylight, a cricket started.  He sang his song for hours and hours.  Almost non-stop.  I had seen a cricket in my grass last week and he was very quiet.  Every now and then he would fly up in the air, singing his cricket song and then land back in the grass.  At one point he landed on the empty chair across from me in the yard.

Because I had heard cricket for so many hours yesterday while I was writing about animal totems I figured he was telling me that maybe I needed to write about him as well.

why do i keep seeing/hearing crickets

What does it mean to see and hear crickets as a spirit messenger animal totem

  • I will start with saying that crickets are very good luck (yay!)
  • They remind us to stay balanced and grounded
  • Listen to messages you may be getting, trust your intuition
  • You very well may find that you will be in the right place at the right time (job interviews, relationships, buying a lotto ticket)
  • Crickets sometimes help with raising your vibration (or just adjusting it a little bit to help with the point above)
  • You might notice that you “find your voice” and begin to share more of yourself verbally (or in writing) with others.
  • Pleasant outcomes to your projects (or desires or actions)

With cricket, there is an urge to listen to your inner voice, and to also express with your outer voice.  If you have had problems with expressing yourself, you may find this improves.

If you see or hear a cricket, you need to believe in yourself, trust yourself.  Know that things are working out for you.  We do make our own luck, and cricket is reminding us to listen to our inner guidance and take inspired action and move forward into what we want.




If you need someone to help you look at your life from a fresh perspective and help you navigate changes in your life, to see if the changes you are considering are supported by Spirit, a psychic reading can help. You can contact me here.

If you want to hear what others have said about their readings you can check that out on my Psychic Reading Testimonial/Review page.


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