Yesterday I wrote a blog post about our need to take it easy and relax this weekend.  I heard from a few of you that you have a really hard time just letting go and allowing yourself to relax.  You get so wound up in your head and your thoughts that you cannot even take a day or a few hours and truly enjoy the moment and just be.

This post is for those of you who would like to get better at the “Art of Relaxing“.

The Art of Relaxing


7 Top Ways (to Learn) to Relax

1.  Live in your NOW moment.  Whenever you cannot get out of your head and allow yourself to just let go, you are living in a different time.  Of course there are times when you have things to do, but I’m not talking about that.  I am talking about times when you wish you could relax but you can’t.  All of the things you are worrying about are generally either in the past or in the future.  Your first step to being able to relax is to be here now.  If you are thinking of things you have to do later and you are afraid you will forget, simply write them down, they will still be there for you to do tomorrow.  It serves no purpose whatsoever to be thinking of them today.  Stay in your Now and observe what IS.

2.  Write a gratitude list.  Get some white paper, and using blue ink, start to write down all the things you are grateful for in your life.  If you do not have the ability to relax it is likely related to things you are worried about in some form.  If you start to write down all that you are grateful for, you will change your vibration, and it will help you forget about your worries and be more able to focus on your present moment.

3.  Write a list (or letter) of forgiveness to yourself.  As your thoughts are spinning, if you find they are going more into the past and “should’ve could’ve would’ve“, it might be a really good time to forgive yourself.  You cannot change your past, however, by forgiving yourself, you will enable yourself to release any old dense energy, and start creating better things in the future.

4.  Meditate.  Even if you haven’t mastered meditating on your own, you can listen to audios from others’ that will help to take you to somewhat of an altered state (whether it be relaxing, or sleeping).  If you look to the right on this page, you will see a list of categories.  Click the “Video” category and pick a meditation that you feel drawn to.

5.  Release the Energy Cords from people in your life that taught you relaxing was a bad thing.  This often comes from a parent that was always busy (whether they actually ever got anything noteworthy done or not).  Try this Etheric Cord Cutting meditation, and release cords from anyone you have been influenced by that is unable to relax themselves.  (Cutting these cords can be a first step to changing your belief systems as far as whether or not relaxing is good for you ~ which it is).

6.  Ground your energy.  When you get all scattered and your thoughts are going off in all different directions, and your energy cannot focus anywhere, you are ungrounded.  You can do some work on your Root Chakra to ground your energy, or read this post on Centering, Grounding and Protecting your energy, and give it a try yourself.

7.  All of the above are very much ego based thoughts/feelings.  Our ego does play a role in our life, but if you can go to your heart space and hold your focus there, you will feel so much calmer.  You can try this Fastest Stress Buster Ever, and I guarantee it will work for you.




If you need someone to help you look at your life from a fresh perspective and help you navigate changes in your life, to see if the changes you are considering are supported by Spirit, a psychic reading can help. You can contact me here.

If you want to hear what others have said about their readings you can check that out on my Psychic Reading Testimonial/Review page.

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